
Hello, Bonjour

Alliance Française Halifax is actively planning for your summer. ☀️☀️☀️☀️
We have different options available for all backgrounds, all levels and all ages.

Looking to improve your French for professional purposes?

Up your game and broaden your skill set with one of our monthly classes: Hospitality and Tourism, Customer Services or Healthcare Services.
(Levels available A1 - introductory and A2 - intermediate)

Starting in July, you can also upgrade your profile by joining one of our three Second Language Evaluation Preps: Prepa BBB, Test of Oral Proficiency B and C

Info and Registration: French for Career - June 2020
Info and Registration: French for Career - July 2020
Info and Registration: French for Career - August 2020

Our 100% Online offer is continuing!

Join a 5-week class with 10 hours of zoom sessions with an instructor and access to 5 hours individually of online activities. 

Good news is: you can do it in French ou en anglais

French classes are offered for all levels from A1.1 (beginner) to B2.
Les cours d’anglais sont ouverts du niveau A1.1 (débutant) à B1.

Info and Registration: Zoom into French
Info and Registration: Zoom into English

New month, new season and new session
of General French Classes

Our General French classes will allow you to develop all five skills: speaking, interacting, listening, reading and writing through interactive activities.

Classes are now offered twice a week over 10 weeks
for a maximum of 30 hours of training.

Adults - Cosmopolite | General French Classes - Discover the schedule (Session 3 2020)

Introducing the French Summer Labs


Finally, we are happy to introduce our French Summer Labs:
open for kids (6-8), tweens (9-11) and teens (12-14) and adults!


Kids and Tweens will join an instructor for 45 mins of interactive online activities every day and Teens will join an instructor for 1 hour of interactive online activities. 

For $50 (45 min) or $60 (1 hour), register to 4 labs minimum
so choose a week or pick a day!
(ie the week of July 6th or all the Tuesdays in August)

Different days, different themes:
Tuesdays are for DIY activities, Wednesdays are for Scientific experiments, Thursdays are for physical activities/movements and Fridays are for cooking.


Adults will join an instructor for 1.5 hours of interactive online activities.

Different days, different themes: Tuesdays: the news (starting at the A2+ level), Wednesdays: Regions of France (starting at the A1+ level), Thursdays : Cuisine/Cooking and Gastronomy (starting at A1+) and Fridays: Arts and Culture (starting at A2+)

For $80, register to 4 labs minimum, so choose a week or pick a day!
(ie the week of July 6th or all the Tuesdays in August)

* please note that all new students will pay a $25 yearly registration fee.

Kids and Tweens - French Summer Labs - Registration
Teens - French Summer Labs - Registration
Adults - French Summer Labs - Registration

Our mini-immersion started today however, you can still register for a workshop, for the Online Cheese and Wine Tasting with Obladee Wine Bar or to receive a cafe gourmand at your home on Saturday.

Workshops schedule
Events schedule

Practice French with FRANTASTIQUE!
Only a few minutes daily!
⏰ on your own schedule!

Try it for free:

Vous aussi essayez FRANTASTIQUE!

Should you have any questions or need assistance enrolling, please contact us and our team will be happy to help! À bientôt 

Session d'examen DELF-DALF Juin 2020.

Exam session are scheduled for the moment and a special Junior Session was added in June.
We are continuing to follow the government recommandations and will keep you updated should there be any change.

Pour le moment, les épreuves sont maintenues et une nouvelle session Junior a été ajoutée en Juin. Nous vous tiendrons informés de tout changement dûs à la situation sanitaire actuelle.
Registration? Questions? Contact us!

Depuis 20 ans, le Très Court International Film Festival fait découvrir le meilleur de la production audiovisuelle des formats moins de 4 minutes aux public et professionnels du monde entier. C’est une édition 100% Online qui va est proposée cette année accessible sur le site, du 5 au 14 juin 2020.

Une occasion inédite de découvrir le top de la création très courte, en jogging comme en smoking, depuis son lit ou son canapé. Les spectateurs pourront se rendre sur le site du festival, où les films seront protégés par un code d'accès. (à venir très vite, inscrivez-vous)


A "Très Court" is a 4 minutes max short movie. All kinds are represented: fiction, animation, documentary, music video, video blog...It's a movie format expending strongly, on TV and particularly on the Net. It's now common to use tablet computers or mobile phones to watch these very short videos.

Très Court International Film Festival is an event without borders, with screenings during 10 days simultaneously in nearly 70 cities in France and over 20 other countries and this year 100% Online

Spectators can go to the festival site, where the films will be grouped by selection, protected by an access code. (coming soon - register)

C'est avec plaisir que les Alliances Françaises de La Nouvelle-Orléans (Louisiane), de Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick) et de Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) vous invite à un Speak Dating spécial qui nous rassemble au delà des frontières provinciales et nationales. Un format à distance qui permet de pouvoir se rencontrer, de parler en français et de faire découvrir sa francophonie!

Inscrivez-vous en ligne pour recevoir le lien Zoom et ainsi rejoindre la discussion!

Activité Gratuite.

Jeudi 11 juin - 16h30 à la Nouvelle-Orleans - 18h30 dans les Maritimes


It is with great pleasure that the Alliances Françaises of New Orleans (Louisiana), Moncton (New Brunswick) and Halifax (Nova Scotia) invite you to a special Speak Dating that brings us together across provincial and national borders.

A distance/virtual format to allow our students, members and friends to meet, speak in French and discover the Francophonie!


Register online to receive the Zoom link and join the discussion!

Free activity.

À vos agendas!
Cette année, la Fête de la musique que sera 5 heures de concerts, d'un bout à l'autre du pays, 20 groupes/artistes, 4 scènes, 4 ambiances!
Rendez-vous sur Facebook et sur Youtube le 21 juin de 19h à minuit (Heure de l'Atlantique)


Mark your calendars!

This year, Make Music Day will be 100% online from one end of the country to the other, 20 groups / artists, 4 stages, 4 atmospheres!

Join us on Facebook and Youtube on June 21 from 7 p.m. to midnight
(Atlantic Time)

Étudiants, membres, inscrivez-vous à #CULTURETHÈQUE et vous aurez accès gratuitement à des centaines de livres, BD, balados, magazines pour les grands et les petits.

Students and members, register and enjoy Culturethèque for free. So many books, podcats, comics and more are waiting for you! Practice French as much as you can!
Les mots de l'actualité de RFI Savoirs
Plan B, Première Dame, récession, cerise sur le gâteau, ministère régalien, glamour et géométrie variable. L’actualité fourmille d’expressions au sens plus ou moins précis qui nous étonnent et parfois nous endorment.
D’où viennent-elles ? Que signifient-elles ?
Les Mots de l’actualité, c’est donc une chronique quotidienne de trois minutes pour expliquer et déchiffrer avec le sourire l'actualité
Cliquez sur les images pour obtenir plus de renseignements.
Click on the pictures for more information.
La santé et le bien-être de nos apprenants, de nos membres et de toute la communauté sont notre priorité. C’est pourquoi nous avons décidé de fermer nos bureaux au public mais nous sommes disponibles par téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 11h30 et de 14h à 16h30

Our priority is the health and safety of all of our community members and this is why it was decided to close our office to the public but we are available for phone calls from 9 am to 11:30 am and from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Alliance Française Halifax is a Canadian not-for-profit organization.
Its mission is to provide French as a second language trainings, to support cultural diversity,
and to promote cross-cultural exchanges.

L’Alliance Française Halifax est une organisation canadienne à but non-lucratif.
Elle a pour mission de promouvoir les échanges interculturels, d’offrir de la formation en français langue seconde et de soutenir la diversité culturelle.
Copyright © 2020 Alliance Française Halifax, All rights reserved.

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